Send MATIC from Binance to MetaMask
Bridging is not necessary anymore if you have Binance! You can directly send MATIC from Binance to your MetaMask wallet.
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Bridging is not necessary anymore if you have Binance! You can directly send MATIC from Binance to your MetaMask wallet.
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Keep in mind:
Minimum transfer amount from Binance is 0.2 MATIC.
Send MATIC from MATIC network to your MetaMask.
If you have not setup MATIC MAINNET on MetaMask, follow the guide below:
Convert any token on Binance to MATIC.
After converting any token to MATIC you should see this on your screen.
After converting your token to MATIC press wallet and then on spot. In spot you will see all your assets, press on MATIC and then withdrawal. Select MATIC as your network and select the amount of MATIC you would like to send.
In withdrawal you need to add your MATIC address, go to MetaMask and copy your address which also has access to the MATIC Mainnet. Copy your address into the Binance withdrawal panel, fill in the rest of the information, and send away!
You have now successfully sent MATIC from Binance to your MetaMask and can now proceed to buy DRIPXCHANGE on CremePieSwap!